Sunday, March 04, 2007

29 days and counting -- 1500 miles for Multiple Sclerosis

Hi Y'all!

Yes, I'm sure everyone who has followed this blog now believes I have crapped out on the ride. "Loser!" you've all silently screamed into your monitors. "I knew you couldn't do it!" came the silent refrain.

Well, the fact is that I'm still in this thing. I've even kept up my weekly training schedule. Yes, it has been a little lighter, but not much. With a final boost here at the end, I'm going to be ready for my trip.

Why the break from writing? Well, as I've mentioned, I work on political campaigns for a living. This past Tuesday was Election Day for my latest candidate, and the last several weeks have let pretty much everything in my life slide, except for the campaign. We still lost, but I'm so proud that I did it. My candidate was one of those great guys with very little chance of winning from the start -- but he was the right guy for the job, ya know? I truly believed in him. As a professional, those sorts of opportunities are few and far between, and I just had to do it.

Today, I've just returned from an outside bike trip. Not sure how far, but I rode about two and a half hours. It was downtown Kansas City, so there were lots and lots of hills. It was a great workout. With the weather cooperating for now, I think I'll get some good outside training. My goal is to train outside at least five days each week until the big day.

There is a lot to do between now the day I leave. I promise I'll keep you posted on a near-daily basis between now and then. And once I'm on my ride, I'll be blogging every day (if for no other reason than to verify that I'm alive!).

Take care. Please tell everyone you know about "Missouri to Manhattan -- 1500 Miles for Multiple Sclerosis." Thanks!

- sean

Sean Spence
MS Advocate


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