Friday, February 02, 2007

The long road

Hi Y'all!

Can I take a moment to vent just a bit? I've been training for about two months now and am feeling pretty proud of myself. I'm riding at least five days a week and can do a full 75 miles. I'm on track to get this done and I could not be more excited.

But can I tell you that it gets really old sometimes? I'm not a work-out guy at all. Heck, I haven't even lost any weight because I've been eating so darned much. The biking is the only thing that has kept me from gaining 20 pounds over the last two months.

That's a little off-track, though. My real point is that it gets very, very boring sometimes. Every morning I think about how easy it would be to blow off that day's training -- and then some morning I do blow it off. But most mornings I ride the two hours. That's really the lesson I'm trying I'm trying to take away from this experience. Just keep going.

Stay tuned to see if the lesson sticks.

- sean

Sean Spence
MS Advocate


Blogger Michelle said...

The mental part of it is sometimes harder than the physical part. Especially on a trainer/stationary bike, in bad weather, when you are tired, hungry, going up steep hills....ok almost 95% of the time it's a mental battle. Keep focused on the finish. We are rooting for you!

5:42 PM  

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