Wednesday, January 31, 2007

It is a start...

Hi Y'all!

My fundraising efforts have barely started -- my first request letter to just one company went out yesterday -- but I wanted to let you know that I've started hearing from people who want to help. My old friend (uh, ex-wife) Sunny Wallace sent me $100 last week. I also got an e-mail from someone in North Carolina who is sending $250 or more and someone in Ohio who is sending an undisclosed amount. Isn't that cool?

As a reminder, any checks should be written to the National Multiple Sclerosis Society. I'll provide a receipt for tax purposes and 100% of the money will go to them. I'm working on a couple of underwriters (as you saw yesterday, with Serono) to pay for the trip itself, making this possible.

By the way, I'm getting a slow start, but I'm pretty optimistic about the potential for fundraising. For those who don't know, I've spent most of my career as a professional fundraiser (mostly political, but also non-profit) and I have high hopes for what we might do.

As always, I'll keep you posted. Have a great day!

- sean

Sean Spence
MS Advocate


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