Thursday, December 21, 2006

Working on my route

Hi Y'all!

I heard back from Caryn Giarratano, Missouri's State Bicycle and Pedestrian Program Coordinator. Isn't it cool that the states even have this position? Don't you think that has to be one of the coolest jobs in the world?

Caryn was very helpful. First of all, she put the final nail in the coffin for what I'm sure was a very, very bad idea. From the beginning, I've been trying to figure out if there was some safe way to take the Interstate from here to New York City. Now, don't think I'm a complete idiot. I figured it might be able to work if I had someone drive with a big sign and flashing lights, warning people that I was there. Plus, that could look kind of cool, ya know? And it would be very photographic.

But, yes, I completely understand now just how bad an idea that was. They can't all be good, can they?

Caryn has provided me with some great resources for planning my route through Missouri.

If you'd ever like to know where to go to plan a cycling trip across Missouri (and soon, in several other states, just let me know).

- sean

Sean Spence
MS Advocate


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