Sunday, December 17, 2006

First 50-mile day

Hey Y'all!

Yes, I made the planned 50-mile ride today. And yes, it pretty much kicked my butt. But I still did it.

The first 30 miles were pretty easy (I already ride about 28 miles each morning) and then I started noticing a down-hill slide, in terms of ease of ride. So I took about a five-minute break and it got a lot easier again. In the end, I'm pretty confident I could have done a good bit more if I'd had time (the ride took a little under four hours, with tiny breaks).

Next month I'm going to do my first 75-mile ride the second Sunday in January. Then I'll bump it up to 100 miles at least once a week in February.

Wish me luck.

- sean

Sean Spence
MS Advocate


Anonymous Anonymous said...

That next goal ... 100 miles ... wow.

11:14 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

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11:16 AM  
Blogger Sean Spence said...

Yeah, I'm figuring it will kick my butt. We'll see in a few weeks.

- sean

5:18 AM  

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