Friday, September 14, 2007

Sean's Day 11 -- The World has Changed

Hi Y'all!

I'll post more later, but I'm taking a quick break in Henderson, KY after riding 40 miles so far today (and it is not even noon yet!). I am so excited about the improvements Dr. Jon Love made to my bike -- including tires that are better now that I have left the trail and am on roads, and repairs made with the help of a wonderful shop in Hopkinsville, KY. His wife, Nancy, was also integral to making it all happen. I'll never be able to thank them enough (and I'm going to get over being unhappy with the THREE bike shops that I had visited and could have helped most or all of this happen).

I'm going faster and will cover so much more ground in so much less time. Thanks to Jon and Nancy Love, I'll be able to cut my time by 20-30% (which basically means I have a shot at sticking to my original time schedule).

We're on to Owensboro, KY now, where I may be able to visit with some family. But it is more likely that I'll be able to make it 20-25 miles past Owensboro, and I really need to do that if I can.

Also, we've solved the problem with accessing Blogger, so there will hopefully not be any more delays in my posting.

More later. Just wanted to share the excitement.

- sean

Sean Spence
MS Advocate


Blogger Julie Fanselow said...


I've put out the word at Idaho is behind you!


2:46 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Hey Sean. Are you going to be anywhere near Loiuville, Ky? I have friends out there.

11:15 AM  

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