Sunday, September 09, 2007

Sean's Day 5 -- Catching Up

Hi Y'all!

Sorry for the lapse in writing from me (although I sure appreciate Brett keeping things going). On Friday night, I ended up getting stuck with no Internet access, and last night -- well, no excuse for last night, so thank goodness for Brett!

The trip continues to come together, and I feel more and more confident that we can get it done (even with a fairly steep learning curve). I rode 73.33 miles yesterday and still suspect we can be completely back on schedule by Wednesday evening (when we will have a party at my mom's house, in Madisonville, KY, my hometown).

Here are a few highlights from the last few days:

- Lunch with my college friend Marnie Morgan's (now Oetting) church secretary Sue, and Sue's mother, Lupe. We just kind of stumbled onto them at a restaurant in Higginsville. They ended up paying for our lunch and contributing a memory card for our camera. Is that cool or what? They were both incredibly nice ladies, and yet another example of the generosity of the road.

- Friday night I ended up staying in Arrow Rock (yes, we had backtracked from Columbia because we had to be there for our event and my Rotary club meeting -- but rest assured, we will always go back and cover and skipped miles with my bike -- no cheating!). I stopped in at a little restaurant and the owner called all over town, trying to find a place for me to stay. She finally did, and I ended up at Borgman's (owned and operated by Kathy Borgman). She gave me an incredibly reduced rate for a beautiful room and a bag of homemade cinnamon roles when I left in the morning.

- Last night, Brett and I stayed with Susan Montee in Jefferson City and are heading out in about five minutes (at 6:20). Susan made us an awesome steak dinner and we watched Will Ferrell's "Blades of Glory" afterward (because it was also about, uh, athletic excellence, just like my bike ride). Susan makes a killer steak.

Have a great Sunday!

- sean

Sean Spence
MS Advocate


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