Sunday, September 16, 2007

One of our first pictures

Hi Y'all!
There is no real reason to post this picture, except that I've finally figured out how to post from my digital camera, and am very excited. Moving forward, Bret and I will both do our best to provide appropriate images from our trip to complement our posts.
This picture is from our very first day. I'm the guy to the left. Susan Montee, Missouri's State Auditor and one of my best friends, is in the middle. And, you guessed it, that's Bret on the right. Don't we look happy and excited to start the trip? Oh, if we only knew then...
Have a great Sunday evening. I'm writing thank you notes tonight to people who have contributed to the trip, something that will be a daily to-do for th remainder of the trip.
See ya!
- sean
Sean Spence
MS Advocate


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