Monday, September 17, 2007

Sean's Day 14 -- All things considered...

Hi Y'all!

All things considered, today was a great day. Yes, I had that wreck somewhere to the East of Louisville (witness the cool hand injury, so you can really feel part of the trip), but that was a relatively small event. It shook me up and slowed me down for the rest of the day, but I still made it 72.06 miles. I feel like a real cycler now.
Other than that, today was a great day. The roads and weather were perfect. Bret seems to think that the entire world is downhill from here until the end of the trip. It didn't feel like that on a bike -- there were lots of fairly gentle uphills -- but it really was a great ride. In my mind, it was kind of what I had always pictured the ride would be (in my sometimes stupid mind). I think tomorrow is going to be similar, but pretty soon we'll be hitting the Appalachian Mountains, the great boogy man of my life right now.
John Combest, in Missouri, posted a link to this blog on his daily list of Missouri political headlines (, so we had about double the usual number of hits to the site. Is that cool, or what? John is a good guy, and it is nice that he recognizes the value of this trip and is taking the time to mention us.
Tonight, Bret and I are in Carrollton, KY. Great, cheap fried chicken here. Mmmm. Tomorrow we'll be off and into Ohio pretty early in the day, our fourth state of the trip. Please, Lord, let there be disc golf there for Bret.
- sean
Sean Spence
MS Advocate


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