Thursday, September 20, 2007

From the road -- going to the fair

Hi Y'all!

Bret and I stopped for lunch in Jackson, OH and it turns out they are having a big street fair today (you know, for the Apple Festival). Pretty standard local carnival with rickety rides, impossible games, and crappy-good food.

We managed to make it past the fummel cakes and had a greasy tasty lunch of pulled pork sandwiches and Mountain Dew. Mmmm.

We might stick around in Jackson for a while. I start getting worried about the heat at 80 degrees and we are expecting 89 for the afternoon. We'll see.

Wasn't the post this mornin about Jackie Mitchard's message cool? Hopefully we'll have some more interesting things like that over the final week.

Have an awesome Thursday!

- sean
Sent via BlackBerry by AT&T


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