Monday, November 27, 2006


Man, I've eaten like some kind of half-staved freak for about five days now. It was, honestly, as though I had never see food before. I put on eight pounds (most of it cake, I'm fairly sure). This is definitely not how one should train for a 1500 mile bike ride.

I spent the holidays at my mom's house in Kentucky, and most of her friends are doctors, so I got lots of great advice from many of them. Mom keeps hoping they will tell me I am stupid for wanting to ride from Kansas City to New York City -- because it is unsafe, because I have MS, whatever -- but they just keep giving me information to help me do it safely. It was a very encouraging weekend.

By the end of the week, Mom was starting to get into the groove, though. She's starting to think of ways to be helpful. Yay, Mom!

- sean

Sean Spence
MS Advocate


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