Friday, November 17, 2006


Okay, if I'm going to bike 1500 miles, I'll need to train, right? So far, that has entailed buying a stationary bicycle about a week ago. I rode it one hour every morning for the first week (about 12 miles) and now I'm adding 10 minutes a day for a while. The goal is to get to two or three hours every morning. Then maybe I'll take a really long ride once or twice a week.

No word yet from Meredith Vieira -- I've e-mailed and snail mailed a letter -- but I'll send her another next week. My guess is that she's reading my letter over and over again, carefully crafting her response in her head. I'll let you know when I receive it.

- sean

Sean Spence
MS Advocate & Founder, SharingOurDays


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